I've been obsessed with the idea of Lucid dreaming since I was about 15. I'm not sure how I came across it but as a person who's dreams have given me more food for thought than any other aspect of my life I find the concept intriguing.
As a child I had a dream where my sisters leg was torn off by a Giant Polar Bear and I couldn't help her as I was trapped under the Ice. More recently I had a dream where a witch infected me with pregnancy causing me to ride off into the sunset on a Moped with a three headed lizard with hooves.
I also have quite the affinity for controlling my own surroundings and claiming space in my own subconscious feels like ( for want of a less jesus-y word) destiny.
To be honest I haven't progressed that far. I have had lucid dreams which have been incredible but still nothing to write home about.
Over the past few months I have been experimenting with an app called 'Dream:On' its great. You are supposedly able to induce lucid dreams , which is why I downloaded.
The lucid dreams were not the the best part though. It has a section called 'Dream Diary' where you can enter your dreams as you wake , as they are fresh in your memory. I tend to forget what I've written and all but fragments of the dreams themselves.
Pouring over my extensive dream log I found the following entries. I have transcribed them as they are and attempted to interpret each one :
'Got free tickets to 50/50. I love Joseph Gorden-Levitt. Go
through back of cinema to wasteland. Cross it - hang out with Stephen
Fry who is in a 'jungle' costume. Big Party- sequins and colorful
national dress (I am part of the nation). Cross back through wasteland -
it rains my phone gets wet. Stupid Bitches in my line for the film, my
sister is pissed off. Go back to bridge between worlds . 'Stupid'
monsters versus 'Idiot' monsters. Gun fight.'
the time of this dream I had seen 50/50 a while ago so I don't know why
I was excited by free tickets- probably because I am cheap.
I spend so much time at the cinema that I am not really surprised it makes an appearance in my dreams.
sequin jungle nation run by Stephen Fry sounds a lot like a cult- hide
the cool-aid.
I am terrified of my phone getting wet so , fair enough.
this last part my subconscious superiority complex? Do I think everyone
other than me and the Stephen Fry Cult is a stupid or Idiot monster?
I hope not- that's how Joffrey was made.
Itsallgoood though because it ends in a gun fight so - Whatevs.
In a garden. I was friends with Donald Glover and Marina - we were
referees at a soccer game. I was wearing a glowing metal snowflake. My
hair had like a billion diamonds in it. Captain hook ate my teacup pig.
Smee wasn't there so I was sad and the bandits won the soccer game. '
I would love to be friends with Donald Glover and Marina. I don't know enough about soccer to be a referee. I want that snowflake dress and hair full of diamonds.
I love captain hook way more than Peter Pan,
I love tea-cup pigs more than any animal ever
and I love Smee more than any sidekick fictional or real
(you have to imagine Hook yelling 'SMEEEEEE' though or it doesn't count )
so I'm not sure what this is about.
I don't know what 'Bandits' refers to - I hope that some gunslingers won the game and had a garden party. Alternately perhaps it is the cast of the film 'Bandits' In which case we should all worry about me.
'Geese everywhere. We are in the jungle by the sea. The Great Conjunction approaches. Indiana Jones is tracking an evil Skeksi goose. I see a dolphin/whale thing with blue and pale blue skin, it eats the evil goose - as obviously the geese flock underwater. Indiana jones has tracked the goose and has to cut the dolphin open. I am sad. He says the dolphin had rickets so its o.k. I realize the answer to everything that no one else knows. I wake up before I can tell everyone. '
My love of the dark crystal and the fact that I think geese are the ugly cousins of Ducks definitely came through here. Indiana Jones isn't a great hero of mine so I don't understand why he is there. How does one track an evil Skeksi goose?
I love the ocean and probably have more concern for mystical sea creatures than some people, hence the whale.
I like that I'm really arrogant when I write that obviously the geese flock underwater. Like I'm angry with myself for not understanding the migrations of Skeksi Geese. Cutting the dolphin open- Because overfishing is scarier to me than any horror film, I seriously get scared when I think about it.
This last part really sums up dreaming for me - a revelation you can't remember that will change everything, and thus changes nothing.
I might do this again in a few months when I have accrued some more nonsensical ramblings courtesy of my favorite application.
In the meantime: