Yep, I'm talking about social networking today. Because I'm a seriously cliche blogger.
So cliche I'm using the company logo as an image.
Self-deprecation motherfucker.
I have compiled a quick list of things that I dislike on Facebook, of course nobody made me the overlord of taste and/or the moral arbiter of the interwebs.
My personal Facebook isn't that good- this is just lil ol' Raz's opinion.
Things I consider to be Fuckery:
Edited photos with text over the image via paint.
Come onnnnnnnnnn.
Anything about the gym
-like at all-
I mean anything about the gym. I don't care.
People sending me useless notifications
I don't really give a fuck if Facebook has a dislike button, or has timeline.
I am getting a free service so they can do what they like with the sites functionality. Please stop asking me to join a group.
Facebook hacking
its 2012 get over it ese.
Photos taken through the mirror in a non ironic way.
Dis ain't Myspace,
JT ain't here .
Bitches bellies.
Girl, I don't want to see your $2 belly ring. If you were rocking a Beyonce style belly chain, maybe that would be OK, otherwise no.
Rlly badlie missepelled statusus.
I make mistakes all the time, I'm not perfect. I try to make things readable.
Statuses that 'confront' Facebook issues
Don't you guys know that you can blog?
Anything about body image.
It is really nice that you want to make a generic statement to 'Women of the world,'
Is it going to make a real difference though?
Also I really can't take any issues based post seriously on Facebook AS IT IS ON FACEBOOK.
I would prefer we talk about Marky Mark- not being sarcastic btw-
People jumping on bandwagons without understanding
cough Kony 2012 cough cough.
Dramatic lyrics
I too can sign onto song and match my angst to some shitty Eminem song, but I ain't gonna.
I don't want to be a negative Nelly so:
Things I like
Videos of Kittens falling asleep/sloth videos.
Good quotes from legit things.
Interesting video posts.
Statements that keep you informed with life events ie: Jen is totally preggo.
Intelligent things.
Things that make me laugh.
Things that are genuine news, or inform me in some way.
Things I am excited about ie: 'Django unchained' news.
General freshness.
Superficial opinions on superficial things.
The most important point I would like to make is this:
This post is a paradox.
I don't care about Facebook- y'all can do what chu liiiiiikkkkkeeeee.
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