Sunday, November 27, 2011

10 reasons I love: the ocean

Here are some scribbles about my love of the sea:

1. The ocean has a certain mysticism about it. On land its all about practicality, not ingenuity . It's not about bright colours and inking ourselves.

2. The ocean doesn't talk back .

3. the documentaries 'La Planete Blanche' - (the white planet) and 'Deep Blue.'  If you want your eyes to piss tears of joy watch these documentaries.

  if you don't love the ocean your eyes probably won't piss tears.

4. secretive deep sea creatures. Who doesn't want light up skin? Who doesn't love albino crabs that live on underwater volcanoes?- incidentally  they throw amazing parties.

5.  Sunken Treasure. 

6.  You can't get punched in the ocean. Water is a good thing for self defence.

7. It isn't called sheep week. The ocean has dope predators.

8. Have you seen Narwhals?

9.I don't like swimming in the sea/ going to the beach - this doesn't mean i don't  love the ocean - the ocean is so intense that I respect enough not to get up in it's grill

10. cuttlefish discos

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